So my Honey Hive, I continue to transform my 200 year old building and my business plan! So many things have come together here at Windsor Village, I knew that God put this dream within me I just didn't know how it would unfold. I transitioned our toy store to a local or regional artisan shop and built our hands on play center based on the history of the Erie Canal so I had put to rest Noah's Ark and its play center for an ever evolving shop. An ever evolving it is, as after two years of building Windsor Village Shops as a place for small start ups including my shop and the hands on play, it is once again transitioning. It was never my intent to end up running the entire project but at least this first building seems to be heading in that direction and honestly I am loving the creativity an am blessed with every day.
What's new you ask? Well I have now added antiques and repurposed furniture to my business and what do you know it is taking off so once again the poor Dept of State is had

to change my LLC name and hopefully for the last time. I decided to make my life less complicated by putting the entire shop under one name and that is Windsor Village Artisan & Antique Market, separating Sprout 1825 on its own will let it evolve into what will more than likely become a 501c3 at some point. I still have not gotten the Cafe open so that may end up being the one space I do rent out from this building.
What I am so thankful for is the realization that the Book Fairy has become such a part of who I am for children. I have even started a furniture line called Fairy Tale Furnishings, repurposing furniture to new fun pieces, rescuing them from the landfill to have a new life loved by a child.
For the longest time Page the Book Fairy was just some silly thing I made up to encourage kids to read and now I realize that just maybe she is a gift that I have overlooked because I thought God's gift would be something greater and maybe not so magical but as I have just learned that there isn't anything more mystical than the Holy Spirit, so sometimes when we go looking for our gifts they are actually right there in front of us, we just think that can't be it.
So the next time you go looking for your pot of gold don't overlook the rainbow. lol
Bee Brave, Bee Bold, Bee Blessed. Kate-#RepurposeHer