So it has been a long 2 years, my friends. Being a small business through covid has been truly the hardest and longest challenge I have seen in 21 years as a small business owner. My prayer is that you all made it through this time and find hope in the changes you have had to make to your life and business.
At Windsor we continue to morph to where the market takes us, many of your entrepreneur's have adjusted their products and expanded here and some outgrew us which is great news. We needed to make some big changes to adapt to distancing and keep our doors open through covid like moving our register and opening up our floor plan which in the end was a great move for the look and appeal of the entrance. Sprout Hands on Play space became a full toy store so you guessed it, I am back in the toy business again and its probably the most unique toy store you will probably ever see. This change really pulled Windsor through covid as the sales have truly helped the continued to growth as a family destination place.
A long with other changes in the Village I have come to the decision to widen our market by dropping Artisan and Antiques and using Old World Market. I believe this will allow for more of a variety of products and shops to supply the market needs in our area. We are rebranding our business and changing our Youtube Channel and Podcast to accurately reflect who Windsor is as a collective of entrepreneurs. I also felt it was necessary to set ourselves apart from the growing number of Artisan Markets to offer more diverse products. The artisan shop is still growing and filled right now, and we also have several antique dealers but in order to allow for some entrepreneurs to expand their business concepts to include buy sell products the change was necessary and in the end makes more sense.
I am excited to back sharing this process with you, knowing God is in control of all things even in the midst of a pandemic. Please watch for our new Youtube show The Shopkeep at Windsor Village. Be Bold, Be Brave Be Blessed~ Kate
